Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Essay on Medical Anthropology - 3843 Words
Medical Anthropology Introduction and Description: My topic, Medical Anthropology, is a field of study that uses culture, religion, education, economics/infrastructure, history, and the environment as a means to evaluate and understand cross-cultural perspectives, components, and interpretations of the concept of health (Society for Medical Anthropology, pg. 1). To further introduce Medical Anthropology, I will reiterate highlights of my previous presentations. Early on in Turkey, I asked each person in our program the following question: I would like you to tell me about health and what it means to you? The answers to this question varied widely, making it difficult to define a global conception of health. In analyzing†¦show more content†¦I have also considered social implications of health, cultural, and spiritual values. With this knowledge, I hope to adapt each patients medical care to reflect his or her individual needs in an effort to promote an optimal healing outcome. Research and Methods: I applied class lectures from our Cross-Cultural Learning in Context course on cross-cultural communication. I also utilized the personal application of cultural competency theories to obtain a functional awareness of cultural dynamics present in intercultural relations (Paige, p. 22). This allowed me to become more effective in cross-cultural situations (Paige, p. 23). On a smaller scale, since I was communicating in a multicultural environment, I used the anthropological techniques below to gather my research data: †¢ Interviews †¢ Surveys †¢ Field Observation †¢ Cultural Immersion †¢ Library and Internet Research The sources included WHO; USAID; World Bank; The Ministries of Health for Turkey, Morocco, Egypt, Greece; and The Center for Cultural Competency. Results Outcomes: This next section will address the results and outcomes of my goals for the project according to country. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
The Salem Witchcraft Trial A New Interpretation Of The...
Viridiana Albarran US History 1976 I Professor: John Lundberg 11/9/2017 The Salem Witchcraft Trial A fever in Salem: A new interpretation of the New England witch trial. (84) According to the article in the seventeen centuries people would experience all kinds of symptoms that were unmoral. Twisted joints, their vision would become blurry, teeth marks on their body’s would appear and even been capable to bark like a dog. But most imported causing them death. And all of this because they believed someone was doing witch craft to them. On 1692 the residence of Massachusetts in a town of six hundred residence of Salem Village. Started to have all different types of estrange physical harm happening to them. The doctor they had†¦show more content†¦Women would have different behaviors that contradicted the ministers of the explanation given of Satan vs God.(87)Carol also suggested that cause of paralysis on women was because they didn’t wanted to work and the temporary paralysis on them was because they could not do the labor expected from them. And a way of been rebellious against power, class, gender that caused them so much anger. But women at that time were not the only ones who were accused of witchcraft, man were accused to of committing witchcraft but charge with a slight different charges. (87) Experts determined that women had a diseased of hysterics called MPI that was contagious were the one person in a group could pass it on to the others. For example at work, causing it based on stress and overwhelming. This was a diseased that would affect only girl but psychologist could not explain why this was affecting man and young children to. (88) But even with all of this evidence in the 17 centuries they failed to prove hard evidence to prove witchcraft, there still was a lot of questions with no answers.(90) Or Was the Salem witch craft Hysteria a Product of women’s search for power? (72) In 1692 the new royal governor of the colony William Phips ordered to froze court proceedings towards the suspects. (73) Among them his wife was involved,Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book The Devil On The Shape Of A Woman By Carol Karlsen Essay1637 Words  | 7 PagesMichigan had a different take on the trials. Karlsen wrote The Devil in the Shape of a Woman: Witchcraft in Colonial New England in 1987, a book examining the role of women in the Salem Witch Trials. Karlsen was â€Å"concerned with the meaning of witchcraft for New England’s first settlers†¦ and why most witches in early American society were women.†Karlsen obviously felt that there was a disparity of the female perspective in the previous Salem interpretations. She focused on the social and economicRead MoreSalem Witch Trials And The Witch Trial Essay2225 Words  | 9 Pagesbeing accused of witchcraft in Salem Village, Massachusetts, many more died in jail, and around 200 people total were accused of witchcraft during the Salem Witch Trials. Records from the event indicate that the Salem Witch Trials star ted when a group of young girls began acting strange, claiming they had been possessed by the Devil and bewitched by local villagers. The Salem Witch Trials is a much debated event; historians argue over the motivation and causes behind the trials and executions, notRead MoreEncephalitis Lethargica vs Witchcraft in Salem993 Words  | 4 Pagesearly 1692 Salem village, Massachusetts began to experience strange occurrences among their residents. Victims suffered from strange mental and physical illnesses. The randomness of the victims, and their unusual symptoms, led residents to suspect a supernatural explanation. These suspicions eventually led to the infamous Salem Witch Trials. Past historians have concentrated their research on the accused, while Laurie Winn Carlson focuses on the afflicted in her novel, A Fever in Salem: A New InterpretationRead MoreSalem Witch Trials975 Words  | 4 Pagespeople of Salem, Massachusetts, however they struggled to do so. Salem faced a major change as a result of the Puritan ambition. Because of their thought on the ideal community as a straitlaced society, those who portrayed an imperfect model were to be isolated. Suspicion flooded the holy Puritan town, and led to accusations of innocent people. After a close analysis, it may be relevant to look at the Puritan belief system as a possible catalyst for the events that occurred during the Salem witch trialsRead MoreSalem Witch Trial vs Mccarthyism1208 Words  | 5 PagesA review of A Fever in Salem: A New Interpretation of the New England Witch Trials, by Laurie Winn Carlson, Ivan R. Dee, Chicago, 2000; 224 pp. $14.95 Paperback. ISBN: 1-566633095 A FEVER IN SALEM POSITS A biological cause for the early modem witchcraft epidemic, which resulted in the hanging of 19 people in Salem, MA, in 1692. Witchcraft persecution, Laurie Carlson writes, arose because of the strange behavior of the supposedly bewitched accusers. She concludes that the cause was a disease unrecognizableRead MoreThe Main Causes Of The Puritans In The Salem Witch Trials1527 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"You’re a liar! I’m no more a witch than you are a wizard! If you take my life away, God will give you blood to drink!†This testimony is one out of the several given during the Salem Witch Trials which has become known as one of the mass hysterias to ever occur in American history. In 1692, individuals known as Puritans settled among a small village named Salem in what is now known as Massachusetts. 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The village was notorious for its witchcraft hysteria that broke out in 1692, and the execution of twenty accused of being witches and wizards. The incident became an interesting topic for both historians and playwrights. However, the bizarre witch trial and the girls’ mysterious symptoms disguised the social and political movementRead MoreThe Impact Of The Salem Witch Trials1263 Words  | 6 PagesThe myths surrounding the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 spike the interest of historians and non-academics alike. These trials have been the concern of different historical articles, novels, plays, films, and even religious debates. One issue that is certain, is the hysteria of the community overwhelmed Salem, Massachusetts in 1692 and 1693. A particular primary source, â€Å"Accounts of the Salem Witchcraft Trials (1693)†by Cotton Mather, suggests that the actions brought forth provided proof of satanicRead MoreThe Outbreak Of Witchcraft Accusations Of 1692 In Salem,1730 Words  | 7 Pages The outbreak of witchcraft accusations of 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts was a devastating period for those involved in the crisis. Because of the random and frequent witchcraft accusations made throughout the time of the trials, the reoccurring characteristics that were often indicative of an individual’s likelihood of being accused of witchcraft were not always consistent. In John Demos’s book Entertaining Satan: Witchcraft and the Culture of Early New England he includes a diagram containing
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Aeneas and Beowulf Free Essays
Aeneas was the son of Anchises out of Venus (Hamilton 208), prince of Troy, a vagabond exile who became consort to a Queen and father of Rome. No other hero of antiquity had the piety so treasured by the Roman people. For his part, Beowulf was the son of Ecgbeow, exiled for his father’s crimes, Grendel’s bane, Dragon Slayer, and King of Geats. We will write a custom essay sample on Aeneas and Beowulf or any similar topic only for you Order Now His deeds of valour are sung by Saxons and Norsemen alike. Separated by a great span of time and distance, Aeneas and Beowulf shared similarities in that both were all but fearless and are eternally remembered for their pious valor and the mighty deeds they wrought. Aeneas of the â€Å"Iliad†was a Trojan prince. Valiant in his own right, though not as forthcoming in arms as his kinsman Hector, he labored mightily to protect his native Troy from the wrath of the Greeks (Camps 23). In the end, he failed and the realm fell to its enemies. He alone of the Trojan lords survived the rape of Troy and leads the survivors into exile. Thus does Homer conclude his tale of Aeneas, Aphrodite’s son. In his quest to forge the founding epic of Rome, wise Virgil conceived the â€Å"Aeneid†, the saga of an exile who would become the true founder of Rome (Hamilton 220). Continuing where Homer left off, Virgil had Aeneas take the remnant of his people away from the land of their sorrows. He bore with him the statues of the household gods of Troy. a pious symbolism of taking all that remained of Troy with him (Aeneid Book I). Daring the perils of the Mediterranean, he sailed about in a Greek lake. Every land he passed posed peril from Greeks, if not Cyclops, Harpies or other fell beasts. Yet for all his perils Aeneas held his course, he quailed not and only the charms of Queen Dido could stay the Trojans for long. Beowulf, on the other hand, had no divine parentage. The true author of this saga cannot now be known. Tradition (Wikipedia) places the author as an Anglo-Saxon from the 7th century A.D. Unlike Aeneas, whose deeds were spun by the fruitful mind of Virgil, Beowulf may very well have been an actual King Geats sometime in the 5th century A.D. However, his heroic deeds have placed him high in the pantheon of Anglo-Saxon heroes. Beowulf’s father Ecgbeow murdered Heaà °olaf, a Wulfing noble. Unable to pay the were gild to compensate for killing Heaà °olaf, Ecgbeow went into exile among the Danes. The Danish King Hroà °gar paid the wereguild in his behalf and asked him to swear an oath. Ecgbeow then entered the service of the Geatish king Hreà °el and marries his daughter. Their issue is Beowulf. Save for the banishment of his father, Beowulf origins were uneventful, a sharp contrast with the tale of Aeneas. But soon enough, Beowulf was called to arms. Hroà °gar and his court in Zealand are besieged by a demon named Grendel (Heaney 15). In payment for his father’s debt, Beowulf traveled from Geatland, essaying to slay Grendel if he might despite the knowledge that the no mortal weapons could harm the Grendel. So began the first of his three great battles. Grendel bore the mark of Cain and was feared by all save Beowulf only. In a mighty duel, Beowulf wrestled with Grendel and mastered him, tearing off his arm and sending Grendel scrambling home to die (Heaney 37). Beowulf then reaped great honor from King Hroà °gar but earned ire of a new enemy; Grendel’s mother. The second great battle of Beowulf was with no less than Grendel’s mother who also bore the dread mark of Cain (Heaney 88). Seeking vengeance for her dead son, she entered Hroà °gar’s hall and slew Æschere, his most trusted warrior. As an aside, under the Germanic law of that day, death must be avenged with death or payment called a were gild. Thus Grendel’s mother conceived that she was merely upholding the law of vengeance (Heaney 101). But since Hroà °gar saw himself wronged once again, he essayed to slay Grendel’s mother. Again Beowulf played the heroes’ part. He dove right into the swamp and slew her with a sword that only he could wield. For the second time, he earns great honor for his deed. Here a Christian theme is played out. Thought to be dead, Beowulf returns to his fellows at ‘non’ that is, the 9th hour of day or 3:00 P.M., the same hour that Christ is said to have died (Tolkien 265). Beowulf mastered the Cursed Spawn of Cain, the first murderer. They were demons that no lesser man could slay. Aeneas for his part was Cursed by Juno queen of the gods. But for Aeneas a lesser foe would be unworthy. Motivated by Paris’ rejection, Juno’s wrath for Troy (Hamilton 233) extended to Aeneas. Juno’s hate is worsened by her foreknowledge that from the loins of Aeneas would come forth the race of high men who would lay low her own favored city of Carthage (Aeneid Book I). She causes a great storm to be cast upon the exiles’ fleet in a vain effort to annihilate them. The storm is so terrible that Aeneas’ fleet is driven off course and they end up on the shores of Carthage. Dido, queen of Carthage, would find shipwrecked Aeneas and offer him Kingship of Carthage if only he would stay and love her (Hamilton 235). It is at this point that Aeneas’ piety is stirred anew for Mercury is sent to upbraid him. Shamed for straying from his destiny, Aeneas secretly leaves Carthage with all his folk, thus rekindling hope for the destiny of Rome but also earning the eternal ire of Dido’s heirs. Aeneas held funeral games in honor of his dead father and shows his piety to his ancestor. (Hamilton 237). With Sibyl, he descended to the depths of Hades to hold converse with those who would become mighty among the Romans (Hamilton 240). His wavering faith is strengthened and ere long Aeneas leads his followers to the shores of Latinium. At last their wanderings are over, they can now rebuild their homes or so they hoped. Beowulf too proves to be a pious man of high doom. His king Hygelac died in a raid. As the son of a Geatish princess Beowulf was offered the throne. He humbly declined in favor of prince Heardred his kinsman. Headred later harbored the Swedish princes Eadgil and Eanmund who fled Onela the usurper. Eager to put an end to his foes, Onela invades Geatland and killed Headred. Beowulf was proclaimed King in his place and under the custom of were gild swore revenge against Onela (Heaney 165). The primary Beowulf text speaks little of this but Swedish sources speak of a counter invasion by Beowulf and Eadgil to restore Eadgil to the throne and avenge Headred (Olson). A hero is best remembered for his greatest achievements, For a Roman hero it is his prowess for war. Juno stirred all of Latinium to war against Aeneas but this time he could resist her devices because the Trojans had become mighty in war (Camp 47). Outnumbered in a hostile land, Aeneas and the Trojans fought with desperate valor though they saw little hope. Aeneas left camp to seek aid among his other neighbors first among his new allies is the boy Pallas. (Aeneid Book IX). Ere his gates were mastered, Aeneas returns with the valiant Etruscans. Many deeds worthy of song were forged in that war. Not the least was Aeneas’ pursuit of an Italian craven who allowed his son to die while he fled. When the war reached an impasse, single combat was proposed between the captains (Aeneid Book XII). On the one hand was Aeneas, prince of Troy, and on the other Turnus, King of the Rutuli. Both coveted Lavinia, heiress of Latinium. Turnus was valiant in his own right but his foe was no mere mortal. In that duel Turnus fought valiantly but with no hope. Virgil portrays Aeneas as a demigod who quickly mastered Turnus. The latter’s pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears when Aeneas saw that Turnus was wearing the armor of Pallas(Hamilton 245). A ‘true’ Roman, Aeneas accordingly slew his fallen foe in vengeance for fallen Pallas (Camps 35). Memorable too was the final battle of Beowulf king of the Geats for 50 years. In his last days, his realm is plagued by a dragon. Despite his old age he tried to slay the Dragon in open battle but failed. Instead, he enters the Dragon’s lair accompanied only by Wiglaf his Swedish relative (Heaney 175). They succeeded in killing the Dragon but Beowulf was mortally wounded (Chance 53). According to Swedish scholar Birger Nerman, Beowulf lies in Skalunda Hà ¶g in West Geatland. In the time of Beowulf, the Anglo-Saxons and the other Germanic peoples were not yet Christianized. However, the saga tells of Germanic moral codes such as â€Å"were gild†and revenge for the slain overlaid with references to Christian Faith (Chance 47). For example, the mark of Cain, the hour of Non and Beowulf’s prayers to a â€Å"Father Almighty†, to name a few. So much so that Allen Cabaniss (101) proposed that the Beowulf was written precisely to parallel the Bible and present a Christian hero to the Anglo-Saxons. By comparison, Aeneas was valiant and honorable, as most heroes are. He had a destiny to fulfill and a people to lead to safety. Son of a goddess, his chief foe was no less than the Queen of the gods (Camps 106). Though the saga was written by a Pagan hand, Aeneas shows â€Å"Christian†virtue as the Romans of Virgil’s time defined it. He was â€Å"pious†to friends and family, to his gods and most of all to his destiny (Camps 93). Many a time he was tempted to remain in comfort and ease in another land. Yet he ultimately resisted and would remain faithful continuing on his path to found Rome. To conclude, Aeneas and Beowulf are valiant and brave as is fitting of true heroes. But to set them apart from the likes of Achilles, they are men who act not out of vanity and pride. Instead, they act out of service and a â€Å"pious†desire to fulfill what they believe is good. Works Cited Wilson, Frank R. The Hand: How Its Use Shapes the Brain. New York: Pantheon, 1998. Cabaniss, A. â€Å"Liturgy and Literature†.  University of Alabama Press, 1970. Camps W.A.  Introduction to Virgils Aeneid. Oxford University Press 1969. Chambers R.W. Beowulf: An Introduction to the Study of the Poem, 3rd edn Cambridge Press 1959. Chance, Jane. Tolkien’s Art a Mythology for England, University Press of Kentucky, 2001. Fulk R.D. Interpretations of Beowulf: A Critical Anthology, Midland Book 1991. Hamilton Edith: Mythology a timeless tale of gods and heroes, Warner books 1999. Heaney Seamus, Beowulf: A New Verse Translation (Bilingual Edition) Norton Press 2000. Tolkien, J.R.R. ‘Beowulf: the monsters and the critics’, Proceedings of the British Academy, 22 1936. The Project Gutenberg Etext of Vergil’s Aeneid in English available at http://www.gutenberg.org/dirs/etext95/anide10.txt (last accessed 14 Nov 07) Olson, Oscar Ludvig, The Relation of the Hrolfs Saga Kraka and the Bjarkarimur to Beowulf A Contribution To The History Of Saga Development In England And The Scandinavian Countries available at http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/14878 (last accessed 21 Nov 2007) Beowulf  available at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beowulf#_note-valibrary (last accessed 14 Nov 2007) How to cite Aeneas and Beowulf, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Role of honor and religion in the novella The chronicles of death foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez Essay Example For Students
Role of honor and religion in the novella The chronicles of death foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez Essay Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s novel â€Å"Chronicle of a Death Foretold†is exemplary in showing the forgoing of the spirit of religion and justice in the name of man-made codes such as honor. The writer portrays an unnamed town where the most vicious of crimes can be committed in the name of honor. The Vicario brothers who brutally butchered Santiago Nasar are given a reprieve after three years of imprisonment. Is it not ironical that they had to stay in the prison only because there was no one to bail them out? Marquez repeatedly denounces the town folks of holding honor above religion. Throughout the novella, Marquez unmasks the absence of true religious values in the town and reveals the double standards of the townsfolk. Marquez attacks the flimsy standards that prevail in the society, and also how people discard their religion. The three things forbidden by the Catholic church such as whores, alcohol and gambling freely flourish in the town. Even the church is corrupted when we see that â€Å" nun had 80% hangover†(Marquez 71). The bishop’s behavior is objectionable when he expresses his intention of eating cock-comb soup, which is very costly and has a sexual implication. People carry on with their sinful lives without caring for redemption and salvation. Even the priest does not remember the ten Commandments of Catholicism! Marquez criticizes the honor codes as well as the legal system of the town where the lawyer stands in â€Å"legitimate defense of honor†(Marquez 48). The honor is so deep rooted in the heart of people that Prudencia will marry Pablo only if he murderers Santiago as one is supposed to avenge the wrong done to one’s honor. The town upholds the brutal murder of Santiago as legitimate. The Vicario Brothers openly declare â€Å" we killed him before god†(Marquez 49) they take refuge in the church not for repentance but only to escape the Arabs. Divina Flor, confesses to the narrator after her mother dies, â€Å"in the depths of her heart she wanted to kill him†. Father Amador takes for granted the idea that god overlooks honor killings. Thus it can be said that honor and religion can play dangerous role in the society, and Santiago is nothing but a victim of them.â€Å" most of the townspeople consoled themselves with the pretext that affairs of honor are scared monopolies.†Through his stylistic approach Marquez intends to draw the attention of the reader to the injustice prevailing in the society in the name of honor and religion. No doubt Santiago is a victim of the superficial norms of the society. Although the people are catholic Christians the religion appears just for the namesake. If men are violent, indulgent and depraved, women have lost their honor. Even a girl like Angela Vicario, brought up in a conservative atmosphere, is not a virgin. Not only she hides it from her mother, but lies to frame Santiago under false charges. Her friends â€Å"teach her the tricks which will enable her to ‘display open under the sun in the courtyard of her house the linen sheet with the stain of honor.’†The old wives tricks prevailing in the town show that women are all equipped to deceive their husbands. They do not set any values to virginity and chastity, but are more worried about how to hide their guilt. It is the irony of human kind that men openly indulge in wine, women and crimes, without feeling a slight tinge of their moral conscience. Marquez lashes upon the absurdity of the societal and cultural aspects of the town when he says that most of the men would sleep in glory in â€Å"the apostolic lap of Alejendrina Maria Cervantes.†Interestingly the people of the town do not know the meaning of honor even. They forget what religion preaches: â€Å"that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor†. All they remember is how to distort religion as per convenience, and the detestable honor killing. .u1daccf1ab05be78f31f5eb9f29640236 , .u1daccf1ab05be78f31f5eb9f29640236 .postImageUrl , .u1daccf1ab05be78f31f5eb9f29640236 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1daccf1ab05be78f31f5eb9f29640236 , .u1daccf1ab05be78f31f5eb9f29640236:hover , .u1daccf1ab05be78f31f5eb9f29640236:visited , .u1daccf1ab05be78f31f5eb9f29640236:active { border:0!important; } .u1daccf1ab05be78f31f5eb9f29640236 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1daccf1ab05be78f31f5eb9f29640236 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1daccf1ab05be78f31f5eb9f29640236:active , .u1daccf1ab05be78f31f5eb9f29640236:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1daccf1ab05be78f31f5eb9f29640236 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1daccf1ab05be78f31f5eb9f29640236 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1daccf1ab05be78f31f5eb9f29640236 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1daccf1ab05be78f31f5eb9f29640236 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1daccf1ab05be78f31f5eb9f29640236:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1daccf1ab05be78f31f5eb9f29640236 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1daccf1ab05be78f31f5eb9f29640236 .u1daccf1ab05be78f31f5eb9f29640236-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1daccf1ab05be78f31f5eb9f29640236:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The merchant of venice-From what has Portia's father tried to protect her, and how do her suitors arrive at their choices in the casket test? EssayBayardo San Roman too manifests the evil of male patriarchy when he discards his wife on the mere suggestion that she is not a virgin. He confuses between the real meanings of virginity and purity, and feels no shame in deserting his wife. All he knows is his manly honor where the wife must be no different from a â€Å" garden fresh commodity†. The dictate of the Bible for a Christian wedding, â€Å" So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate†, adds no sign ificance for him. Pura Vicario is also shown as a type cast woman who has raised her daughters to become perfect mothers not providing them any opportunity of education. It looks clear that the society is preset on the gender roles, and what it fears most is the violation of honor and religion. Marquez’s novel raises a question as to what is bigger: religion or honor? Did religion first dawn on the earth or the concept of honor? Religion is practiced all over the world, as it is the factor that distinguishes us from animals by making us more disciplined, caring and honest. But the chaotic murder of Santiago Nasar shows the diminishing values of religion and fall of human standards in the Columbian society. In my opinion these honor killings are nothing but the excuses and shields used by man from time to time to conceal his primal instincts of power, lust and greed. And Santiago is an epitome of these animal instincts as he hails from an Arab ancestry, wherein he feels proud of shooting animals and raping girls, setting no values to religion in the Columbian society. Santiago, although an Arab, is full of zeal on the day of the arrival of the Bishop. He â€Å"put on a shirt and pants of white linen†¦ if it hadn’t been for the Bishop’s arrival, he would have dressed in his khaki outfit†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Can the white clothes hide his black deeds? Santiago is shown as a young man who is fond of raping the women. He drinks to such an extent that he depends on the aspirin to â€Å"overcome his hangover†. He spends the night before the wedding at the brothel of Alexandrina Cervantes. he is waiting for the moment when his maid, Divina Flor â€Å"will be destined to his furtive bed.†The townsfolk justify his brutal murder not only because they feel he is guilty but also for he is rich. Faustino asks, â€Å"Why they had to kill Santiago Nasar since there were so many other rich people who deserved dying first.†It shows the Columbian society is founded on the pillars of jealousy, class rivalry and revenge. The concep t of honor and religion is a farce to ease the designs of the natives. Marquez uses the journalistic style to give the reader an in-depth analysis of the Columbian culture. The genre of magic realism used by the writer further entangles the mystery as to who the seducer of Angela is. Garcia succeeds in highlighting the deeper motivations of a people in a society based on rigid hierarchies and stringent codes of behavior. He lashes upon the hypocrisy of the town when the shows that the honor codes are reserved for ladies of a higher standard. The poor women are exempted from such strange honor codes when Santiago, â€Å"nipped in the bud all the virgins that ever came to the woods.†And it is the irony of human kind that there is no one to protect the virginity of Victoria Guzman or Divina Flore even though there is so much hue and cry in the name of honour and religion. .ucc4506d73e748a60599d97331460017d , .ucc4506d73e748a60599d97331460017d .postImageUrl , .ucc4506d73e748a60599d97331460017d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucc4506d73e748a60599d97331460017d , .ucc4506d73e748a60599d97331460017d:hover , .ucc4506d73e748a60599d97331460017d:visited , .ucc4506d73e748a60599d97331460017d:active { border:0!important; } .ucc4506d73e748a60599d97331460017d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucc4506d73e748a60599d97331460017d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucc4506d73e748a60599d97331460017d:active , .ucc4506d73e748a60599d97331460017d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucc4506d73e748a60599d97331460017d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucc4506d73e748a60599d97331460017d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucc4506d73e748a60599d97331460017d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucc4506d73e748a60599d97331460017d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucc4506d73e748a60599d97331460017d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucc4506d73e748a60599d97331460017d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucc4506d73e748a60599d97331460017d .ucc4506d73e748a60599d97331460017d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucc4506d73e748a60599d97331460017d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Of Mice And Men - The Importance Of Relationships EssayThe unique style of the author lies in it that Santiago ‘s murder is proclaimed throughout the novel. â€Å"There was no murder more foretold†(Marquez 50). In the words of the critic, Debicki Dà ¡maso Alonso, â€Å"the reader relives the murder. It is an endless cycle of violence that is never cleansed. In fact, Santiago is killed many times throughout the text. There is, of course, the grisly murder that appears at the end of the book, but Santiago Nasar also dies symbolically in his dreams.†Most critics agree that Chronicle of a Death Foretold â€Å"provides a snapshot in time of a society tha t remains captured by its own outmoded customs, beliefs, and stones.†And it is the irony of human kind that man forgets the creator as he is entrenched deep in the mirage of his superficial system of codes. The people dress themselves in white linen only to cover their bodies; the insides of which are as polluted as filth. The significance of the soul and morality has lost it meaning in their eyes. By putting on a white veil on their bodies, the townspeople intend to hide the demon that has grown inside their hearts with the ignorance of the true ideology of religion.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Monday, November 25, 2019
Annotated Bibliography Essays
Annotated Bibliography Essays Annotated Bibliography Essay Annotated Bibliography Essay Annotated Bibliography HCS/465 November 14, 2011 Yvette Mallory Annotated Bibliography Carrico, D. J. , Peters, K. M. , Diokno, A. C. (2008). Guided Imagery for Women with Interstitial Cystitis: Results of a Prospective, Randomized Controlled Pilot Study. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 14(1), 53-60. Retrieved from https://ehis. ebscohost. com/eds/results? sid=75ea82d1-2060-4e19-94ed-33a2f724b4c2%40sessionmgr10vid=2hid=2bquery=(interstitial+cystitis)bdata=JmNsaTA9RlQmY2x2MD1ZJnR5cGU9MCZzaXRlPWVkcy1saXZl This journal article describes how guided imagery is used to help treat patients with IC. The method of study was 30 women split into 2 equal groups. They listened to 25 minute guided imagery CDs twice a day for 8 weeks. In the end, more than 45% of the group had a great deal of improvement. This article is a quantitative article. It also is peer reviewed according to the guidelines set forth by the journal. Carrico, D. J. , Sherer, K. L. , Peters, K. M. (July-August 2009). The Relationship of Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome To Vulvodynia. Urologic Nursing, 29(4), 233-238. Retrieved from https://ehis. ebscohost. com/eds/results? sid=75ea82d1-2060-4e19-94ed-33a2f724b4c2%40sessionmgr10vid=2hid=2bquery=(interstitial+cystitis)bdata=JmNsaTA9RlQmY2x2MD1ZJnR5cGU9MCZzaXRlPWVkcy1saXZl This journal article describes how many women who have IC may also have vulvar pain that is being misdiagnosed. By mailing out a survey to four-hundred-sixteen women who were diagnosed with IC, they found that the chronic pain patients with IC feel may not always be their bladder, but it may be vulvar pain instead. This article is a quantitative article because demonstrates statistics. This article has also been peer reviewed according to the guidelines set forth by the journal. Marshall, K. (2003). Interstitial Cystitis: Understanding the Syndrome. Alternative Medicine Review, 8(4), 426-437. Retrieved from https://ehis. ebscohost. com/eds/results? sid=75ea82d1-2060-4e19-94ed-33a2f724b4c2%40sessionmgr10vid=1hid=2bquery=(interstitial+cystitis)bdata=JmNsaTA9RlQmY2x2MD1ZJnR5cGU9MCZzaXRlPWVkcy1saXZ This journal article describes what interstitial cystitisis, causative factors, and treatment options. This article is a qualitative article because it is more specific with in-depth details on what IC is, treatments, and causes. This article was also peer reviewed according to the guidelines set forth by the journal. References Carrico, D. J. , Peters, K. M. , Diokno, A. C. (2008). Guided Imagery for Women with Interstitial Cystitis: Results of a Prospective, Randomized Controlled Pilot Study. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 14(1), 53-60. Retrieved from https://ehis. ebscohost. com/eds/results? sid=75ea82d1-2060-4e19-94ed-33a2f724b4c2%40sessionmgr10vid=2hid=2bquery=(interstitial+cystitis)bdata=JmNsaTA9RlQmY2x2MD1ZJnR5cGU9MCZzaXRlPWVkcy1saXZl Carrico, D. J. , Sherer, K. L. , Peters, K. M. (July-August 2009). The Relationship of Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome To Vulvodynia. Urologic Nursing, 29(4), 233-238. Retrieved from https://ehis. ebscohost. om/eds/results? sid=75ea82d1-2060-4e19-94ed-33a2f724b4c2%40sessionmgr10vid=2hid=2bquery=(interstitial+cystitis)bdata=JmNsaTA9RlQmY2x2MD1ZJnR5cGU9MCZzaXRlPWVkcy1saXZl Marshall, K. (2003). Interstitial Cystitis: Understanding the Syndrome. Alternative Medicine Review, 8(4), 426-437. Retrieved from https://ehis. ebscohost. com/eds/results? sid=75ea82d1-2060-4e19-94ed-33a2f724b4c2%40sessionmgr10vid=1hid=2bquery=(interstitial+cystitis)bdata=JmNsaTA9RlQmY2x2MD1ZJnR5cGU9MCZzaXRlPWVkcy1saXZl
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Reducing Injuries in the Workplace Dissertation
Reducing Injuries in the Workplace - Dissertation Example ignificant increase in the implementation of safety incentive programmes, which have been ineffective many times since many employees are used to underreporting as a way of meeting safety goals. In this research study it was found that there is a clear divergence of views between employees and managers of the company under scrutiny in connection to safety measures in the workplace. There is a need of implementing safety training on a regular basis in order to make employees aware of the importance of creating a safe environment at work. This dissertation was grounded on secondary data from a literature review and primary data collected through an employee queestionnaire, a manager questionnaire, and safety reports and documentaton. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1.- Statement of the Problem. The issue of occupational safety has been a matter of concern for the Health and Safety Authority (HSA), the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and companies in general. HSA, HSE and OSHA require compliance with their regulations and many companies have established safety incentive programmes. The major problem has been related with underreporting in order to meet workplace safety goals. In this dissertation occupational safety is studied emphasising the need for reducing injuries, illnesses, and accidents in the workplace as well as the need of the companies to comply with safety regulations as established by HSA, HSE, and OSHA. 1.2.- Aim and Objectives. The aim of this research study is to investigate the issue of occupational safety and the reduction of injuries, illnesses and accidents in the workplace. To reach this aim, the following objectives are identified: -To critically review relevant literature about...Occupational safety is a very important issue that must be taken into account for all the companies in general in order to reduce the level of injuries, illnesses, and accidents in the workplace. At the same time it is necessary for companies in general to comply with the safety protocols established by HSA, HSE, and OSHA. Workplace safety cannot be underestimated, and a great deal of attention has to be given to this issue to improve working conditions for all of the employees in any company. 1.4.- Scope of the Dissertation. This research study is based on secondary data from the Literature Review and primary data from two sets of questionnaires and the analysis of safety reports of a given company. Injuries and accidents are studied with greater detail than illnesses in the workplace. Emphasis is made on the topic of safety incentive programmes and the common issue of underreporting in order to meet workplace safety goals. This research is limited to the study of occupational safety in one specific company and through a limited time frame. 1.5.- Dissertation Structure. This dissertation is structured as follows: The Abstract summarises the findings. The Introduction is divided in five sections: Statement of the Problem, Aim and Objectives, Relevance of the Dissertation, Scope of the Dissertation, and Dissertatrion Structure. The Literature Review is divided in seveb sections: Introduction. The Problem of Workplace Injuries, Injuries and their Causes, The Role of HSA OSHA, and HSE.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Annotated bibliograpghy Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Bibliograpghy - Annotated Bibliography Example 1996) highlights the communication system used in China. This article speaks of a market survey that was conducted by Lingdian Research, Beijing in Aug. 1996 that found that about 4% of China’s high income group to have become avid email users. The survey also found that about 80% of Chinese people make use of the internet for only email. This has resulted in a drop of using the World Wide Web in China. Sendall, D.M. (1997). â€Å"The future of the World Wide Web and its impact on our institutions†. Portland Press Ltd. Retrieved on March 11, 2009 from www.portlandpress.com/pp/books/online/tiepac/session1/ch6.htm This article speaks of the advancement in technology in relation to the World Wide Web and the impact it has on the various institutions especially in the case of publishing and the rest of the academic community. Sendall, D.M (1997) is of the opinion, that the Web could have a very profound effect on traditional
Monday, November 18, 2019
Plato and Aristotle on the Just Man and the Good Citizen Essay - 1
Plato and Aristotle on the Just Man and the Good Citizen - Essay Example In fact, these very virtues make a city or an individual just - â€Å"Then a just man won’t differ at all from a just city in respect to the form b of justice;†(Plato, 110) This discussion starts from the state level and eventually moves down to the level of an individual but Plato makes it absolutely clear that the presence of the above mentioned virtues in an individual citizen leads to a state, which has these same virtues. In The Republic’s Book XIII, there exist many examples showing how an unjust society shapes the souls of its citizen. The vice versa then should also be true. Therefore, it can be derived from this discussion that there exists a kind of â€Å"virtuous circle†between the state and a citizen. They are both cause and effect of each other. To sum this up, it can be said that a state shapes the souls of its inhabitants; meanwhile the nation itself is a product of all the individual souls comprising it. If this structure is disrupted, harmony will suffer, inner conflict will increase and this might lead to the whole set-up coming down. Plato believes that the most important goal of education is knowledge of Good. In the fictional city of Kallipolis, there are three different classes: the producers, guardians and the rulers. All these three classes have some specific qualities that they need to display in order to make Kallipolis the â€Å"just city†. The guardian class needs to be the educated group who will be able to absorb all the laws in the best possible manner - â€Å"†¦Hence the guardians must above all protect their system of elementary education, for this provides the training in civic virtue without which no system of laws, no constitution, can hope to achieve†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Plato, 94) The rulers of the city need to possess wisdom, using which they ensure that the city will have good judgment and will be really wise. Since an ideal city needs to be governed by
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Protectionism: Advantages and Disadvantages
Protectionism: Advantages and Disadvantages Trade protectionism is implemented by countries when they believe their industries are being affected negatively by unjust competition. It may be seen as a defensive measure and it is almost always driven by political forces. It may turn successful, especially in the short run. In the long run, however it usually does the opposite of its intentions as it can make the country, and the industries it is trying to look after, not so competitive on the global marketplace. While economic theory suggests, and economic history demonstrates, protectionisms counter productivity on a global scale, we still believe that economists have a responsibility to defy increasing protectionist pressures by more than just recitationfree trade benefits. The typical protectionist argues that the traditional case for free trade is based on an oversimplified model which is no longer applicable to the real world. These charges are usually based on misconstructions or misinterpretations of the role of assumptio ns in economic theory. The fundamental illustrations of international trade theory are not necessary conditions for the theorys conclusions to have real world relevance. Protectionism is the governments actions and policies that restrict or restrain international trade, often done with the purpose of protecting local businesses and jobs from foreign competition. Classic methods of protectionism are import tariffs, subsidies, quotas and direct state intervention. The fact that trade protection hurts the economy of the country that enforces it is one of the oldest but still most astonishing understandings economics has to offer. The idea dates back to the beginning of economic science itself, which gave birth to economics, contains the argument for free trade by specializing in production instead of producing everything, nations would profit from free trade. In international economics, it is the direct opposite to the proposition that people within a national economy will all be better off if they specialize at what they do best instead of trying to be self-sufficient. Current debates and discussions about what kind of trade are good and about how open markets affects economy usually has hypothetical character, or takes place due to the influence of interest groups or subjective reasoning. Recent global economic crisis has caused a big change in ideas and policies against free markets and in favour of government intervention. Regardless, the analysis of trade development allows making simple conclusions which is relevant in the current discussion: countries adopting free trade policy prosper, while closing the markets leads to deficiency and economic slowdown. The main aim of this essay is to analyze if protectionism adopted by many countries, especially European countries can be a valid economic policy and if not, why so. It will look at the European Union and discuss the not so long ago fears of rising protectionism within the EU. Advantages of protectionism Protectionism marks an economic theory that emphasizes the minimization of free trade between nations. There are currently a lot of nations that practice economic protectionism; such countries believe that the manufacturing of goods should take place domestically, rather than in a global setting. Generally there are two main types of government control on international trade; tariff and non-tariff. Previously, the main dispute between supporters and opponents of protectionism was focused on the discussion of arguments again and for using tariff as an economic policy instrument. Non-tariff barriers became usual in the last years and many of them are used by countries as an escape passage in free trade agreements, since WTO agreements have much weaker restraints on non-tariff protectionism than on tariff. The supporters of protectionism build their arguments on the following: 1) An advantage of protectionism is that it keeps the domestic economy rolling. Since there is a decrease in imports, domestic firms have less competition, and so are able to continue. The domestic economy will also be strengthened because unemployment will be down due to the domestic firms and they will be able to produce and sell more goods with a lot less difficulty, giving firms less reason to decrease its costs by decreasing its workforce. Those with jobs will continue to consume while allowing the economy to flow. 2) Protectionism makes domestic firms less competitive in the export market, as import barriers raise domestic prices through higher costs for mediocre inputs this means that export products also become more expensive and decrease in market share against the international competition. 4) Protectionism permits the new and upcoming firms to work and develop at an acceptable rate, because they will not be pressured by foreign, more experienced firms. The new firms can grow until they themselves are big enough to compete in international markets, encouraging positive features for the domestic economy in the future. 5) Protectionism can also prevent dumping, this is where foreign and bigger economies enter an economy and sell their goods at a price lower than the costs of production. Therefore, the consumers of that specific economy are spending more than the consumers in overseas areas. 3) An exception in which protectionism could improve a nations economic well-being is when a country has monopoly power over a good. Economists [1] have argued that a country that produces a large percentage of the worlds output of a good can use an optimum tariff to take advantage of its latent monopoly power, and thus gain more from trade. This is the same as stating that a monopolist will maximize profits by raising prices and reducing outputs. As stated before, many countries practice economic protectionism and it may hold several advantages over the separate notion of free trade. Disadvantages of protectionism Trade protectionism has more than a few disadvantages, the most noteworthy of which are the pressures it places on the very core principles of free trade. Further disadvantages are the protections it offers to firms that contest on a stage of price over quality, the incorrect sense of security that it builds and the denial of easy access to certain products for consumers. At the core of protectionism are tariffs, duties, quotas and any other measures designed to restrict the import of foreign goods in interest of protecting domestic companies from foreign take overs. More disadvantages are as follows: 1) Consumers pay more with protectionism. Without a system of competitive pricing, domestic companies are free to raise their prices without raising the quality of their goods. When a business has no competition then the consumer is left without options. 2) Businesses suffer from protectionism too. Government support often builds corporate contentment, which could lead to a business to believe that it has a pleasant safety net set up behind it in the event of strong foreign competition as these businesses might not have the resources necessary to survive on their own. 3) Trade protectionism limits consumer access to foreign goods and non-domestic companies that offer unique products and services are also subject to the restrictions. 4) Foreign businesses and domestic consumers face the greatest disadvantages of trade protectionism. Businesses face imbalanced restrictions while their domestic competitors are offered financial advantages, and the consumer ends up paying higher prices for a limited variety of products that are not always worth their costs. 5) Protectionism can cause a retaliation reaction from other nations, ruining vital relationships between nations. a clear example of this would be the relationship between USA and China, when the US put boundaries on the Chinese tires , China retaliated by putting up barriers against different U.S. goods such as their chicken. This kind of hostility between nations decreases the specialization between two nations, eventually damaging the economy. Additionally to all of this, some governments provide subsidies and loans to businesses that are not able to compete against their foreign competitors. These actions restrain the free market by giving benefits to domestic companies while creating consequences upon foreign businesses. Some argue that trade protectionism is a step towards anti-globalization because of these reasons. Where is protectionism most prominent The U.S. has a long history as a protectionist country, with its tariffs reaching their highest in the 1820s and during the great depression. The countrys protectionist policies changed toward the middle of the 20th century. In 1947, they were one of the 23 nations to sign mutual trade agreements in the form of the general agreement on tariffs and trade. That agreement, modified in 1994, was substituted in 1995 by the world trade organization in Geneva. Through WTO negotiations, most of the worlds chief trading nations have significantly reduced their customs tariffs. The mutual trade agreements normally bound protectionist measure instead of eradicating them completely, however, calls for protectionism are still heard when industries in different countries suffer from economic struggle or unemployment believed to be aggravated by foreign competition. Critics argue that, over the long term, protectionism often ends up hurting the people it is supposed to protect and often encourages free trade as a greater alternative to protectionism. Another region that protectionism is becoming more popular is Europe. Recently the European commission drew attention to the increase in protectionist inclinations worldwide. It stated that 123 new trade restrictions had been implemented over the time span of 8 months (2012) this was an acceleration of 25% compared with the previous period studied. However the commissions own anticipated trade reforms, were ignored. These would push the EU itself towards further protectionism, they were seen to hamper with the global economy and hurt developing countries, according to an ODI [2] study.EU import likings for low income countries are focused around primary merchandises. Thats why they have lower tariffs for these goods. These encouragements have strengthened structural shortages towards extractive industries especially in sub Saharan Africa. The EU modifications have prevented these economies from expanding into value adding industries, hence slowing their development. Even though the proposals suggests using trade to improve development, there is little acknowledgement of the influence of the EUs Common Agricultural Policy [3] , which distorts trade and prevents development. The economic subsidy given to farmers alters world prices and the external tariffs punish foreign farmers selling products to the EU market. These interventions prevent many developing countries progressing through export-driven growth. In this context, the EUs moves towards further protectionist measure are a cause for deep concern. The policies threaten to damage developing countries and reduce the efficiency of the global economic system Based on economic theory, all elimination of trade barriers is beneficial to the world economy. Through increasing trade barriers, by tariff and non-tariff funds, domestic consumer costs increase, foreign exporters sales decrease and efficiency gains through comparative advantage [4] are prevented. These decisions are hence political. Arguable they have been put in place to prevent possible rivals from catching up with EU countries. The statement that the imports from the middle-income countries will be substituted by those from low-income countries seems doubtful. It is vital to distinguish between the cases for free trade for nations own benefit and the case for free trade for all nations. The first is an argument for free trade to improve one nations own well-being, also known as the national-efficiency argument. The other is an argument for free trade to improve every trading countrys welfare. Both of these cases assume that free markets determine prices and there are no market failures. However, the reality is that market failures can and do occur. Market failures can rise from governmental action as well. Hence, governments may misrepresent market prices by subsidizing production, as European governments have notably done and as all wealthy countries governments do in agriculture. Governments can also protect intellectual property unproductively, leading to underproduction of new knowledge; they may also overprotect it. In those cases, production and trade, led by inaccurate prices, will not be effective. Conclusion The history of trade development shows that protectionism and free trade policies were replaced to correspond to a certain economic situation in the world. However, there has been apparent shift to open markets, decreased trade barriers and international cooperation among countries in the last few decades. With all of this said, the impact of recent economic slowdown pushed many countries to stray from free trade agreements in order to support domestic economies and employment. As a result, what we are seeing today is protectionism which is not an upfront declaration of a trade war using tariffs; rather it is protectionism with non-tariff weapons. These metaphorical weapons are used mainly by developed countries especially by many European countries. Demands for labour and domestic market protection stand as a problem for European leaders. They run against EU rules that guarantee the free flow of goods, services and workers. There are two sides of using protective policy, but it is clear that the disadvantages of such policies will almost always prevail over its advantages. Economists stress more on the threats rather than the benefits of protectionism, and claim that it is not a solution for problems in the long run. For European and other countries it is extremely desirable to find ways to increase employment and reduce the impact of the crisis, but using any sort of protection would have very little short run benefits. It would also result in reduced worldwide employment very quickly and make growth prospects much more difficult when recovery does come. It is not even a case of when one country benefits at the expense of another. Such moves might bring upon a chain reaction of protectionism that makes the economic slowdown even worse. One countrys protection will not just hurt partner-country exports. Sooner or later, the formers exports will be affected as well. Therefore Europe should avoid adopting protective measures separately, as free trade is seen to be the only solution to crisis by stimulating future growth and creating jobs in the future.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Winter in the Blood by James Welch Essay -- Native American Novels Win
Winter in the Blood by James Welch Winter in the Blood, a Native American novel written by James Welch, takes place on a cattle ranch in Montana, around 1970. On the surface, this is a story of a Blackfoot Indian sleepwalking through his life, tormented by visions, in search of a connection to his heritage. Welch's language is, at once, blunt and poetic, and the pictures it conjures are dreamlike and disquieting. Furthermore, the narrator of the novel is disheartened by the loss of his brother, Mose, and his father, First Raise ? the two most cherished people in his life. After struggling with guilt, sorrow, and alcoholism, the narrator overcomes these down falls through re-identifying with himself and his culture? specifically through the help of his grandfather, Yellow Calf.      In the opening line of the novel, the narrator provides a vivid description of the his decaying surroundings:      'In the tall weeds of the borrow pit, I took a leak and watched the sorrel mare, her      colt beside her, walk through burnt grass to the shady side of the long-and-mud      cabin . . . . The roof had fallen in and the mud between the logs had fallen out in      chunks, leaving a bare gray skeleton, home only to mice and insects.      Tumbleweeds, stark as bone, rocked in a hot wind against the west wall (1).'; Welch opens the story with this line to show a relationship between the narrator's feelings of worthlessness and the worthlessness of his environment. In addition, the author melodically begins the novel in a somber manner ? so the reader may immediately adjust to the tone encompassing the story.      The narrator continues with describing his resentment towards his home life, 'Coming home was not easy anymore. It was never a cinch, but it had become a torture (2).'; This excerpt provides the reader with an understanding of the sorrow that the protagonist feels at the beginning of the novel and throughout the first half. Further narration includes the protagonists feelings of distance from the land and blame that he places upon himself, 'But the distance I felt came not from country or people; it came from within me (2).'; Thus, as the reader, we understand that the narrator has removed himself from the land and his culture.      On the narrator's journey to find his girlfriend, Welch clearly demonstrates the overabundant use of alco... ...Yellow Calf and to ask him if he was ever acquainted with his 'grandmother'; (another twist: not old woman) (152). And, yes, Yellow Calf did know his grandmother and was able to provide the narrator with the missing pieces, of his grandmother's stories, that he longed for: that Yellow Calf is his grandfather and that he was the only one that treated his grandmother with respect after Standing Bear's death. Once the narrator realized this they,      'shared this secret in the presence of ghosts, in wind that called forth the      muttering of tepees, the blowing snow, the white air of the horses' nostril . . .      but there were others, so many others (159).'; It is then that the narrator completely absorbs the teachings from Yellow Calf, and allows his life to come full circle.      In the end, through the guidance of Yellow Calf, the protagonist discovers himself, learns to respect the natural order of the land, and overcomes the guilt and sorrow that has lived within him for many years. The physical journey may be complete, but the spiritual voyage will continue for a lifetime. Works Cited: Welch, James. Winter in the Blood ,New York : Penguin Books, 1974.
Monday, November 11, 2019
College and Tuition Essay
College education is a highly talked about subject among the presidents. For many years college education was not highly sought after or looked for, then when people who did go to college started getting better paying jobs than everyone else more and more people started to go to college. Since college is such a hot commodity these days the price of a college education is on a steady rise. Some experts have a very strong opinion as to why college education is on a rise and some believe that that it is not on the rise. To begin to understand this issue, we have to first examine the history and the context from which it arose. The rise of tuition is mainly due in part because the colleges need more money to upgrade and stay on top of the technology era. There are also many other reasons why tuition is on the rise though. One writer states that, â€Å"As almost every state reels from the effects of recession and tax cuts, legislatures slash funding for higher education, the largest discretionary item in most state budgets. †(Reed Jr. , p. 25). Another writer states, â€Å"A need to improve facilities, state budgets that are declining and inflation are all contributing to the rising cost of higher education, and there appears to be no end in sight. †(Gallagher, The Augusta Chronicle). This same writer gives another reason, â€Å"Universities, private and public, have to raise tuition to cover the costs of new construction, renovations and technological advancements and to keep qualified professors. †(The Augusta Chronicle). All of these statements show that there are many reasons why college tuition is on the rise, but they don’t seem to make sense to me. There should be other ways that colleges are able to pay for these advances in technology and inflation besides just hiking up the tuition cost. The tuition cost is so high that they have plenty of money to pay for all of the technological advances that they want and still have money left over for others things that the school has to be able to pay for from the tuition from students. In one presidential debate between Sen. John Kerry and President Bush, â€Å"Sen. John Kerry accused President Bush of under funding aid programs, while Bush touted college access as one of the top priorities of his economic plan. †Both of the candidates seem to agree on one thing though, â€Å"Going to college just keeps getting more expensive. †(Opening the College Gates) This goes to show that no matter who is talking everyone agrees that tuition is going to rise even more in the years to come. Later on in the same article the author states, â€Å"But while both candidates have offered an array of new financing plans, many analysts worry that neither man’s proposals will come close to what is necessary to make college more accessible and affordable for everyone. †If the candidates can’t make college more affordable then the proposals don’t make any sense. They should come up with proposals that will actually help student and parents pay for college instead of just making proposals for the sake of making proposals. Bush has made a lot of promises, but one that I hope he holds to is one made in the article Opening the College Gates where it says, â€Å"Bush pledges to increase student aid by six percent and will try to link federal aid more closely to academics by offering a one thousand dollar scholarship to Pell recipients who take college-prep classes in high school, along with five thousand dollars more in aid to students who study math and science in college. †If he holds up this claim then a lot more people will be able to hopefully afford college and keep enrollment rates up. On the other hand, â€Å"Kerry plans to give tax credits on the first four thousand dollars of tuition to all college students whose parents earn less than one hundred thousand dollars. The credit would cover one hundred percent of the first one thousand dollars and fifty percent of the rest ? essentially functioning as an extra two thousand five hundred dollar Pell grant. †(Opening the College Gates) I don’t think that this claim is a very realistic claim because there are tons of people who earn fewer than one hundred thousand dollars and there’s no way that the government could pay for everyone to get back four thousand dollars. College tuition has changed greatly from back in the seventies. All of the following stats were obtained from a website by Citibank. For a Private Four-Year University in 1971-72 it cost about $7,000, and in 2000-01 it costs $16,332. For a Private Two-Year University in 1971-72 it cost about $4,500, and in 2000-01 it costs $7,458. For a Public Four-Year University in 1971-72 it cost about $1,900, and in 2000-01 it costs $3,510. For a Public Two-Year University in 1971-72 it cost about $1,000, and in 2000-01 it costs $1,705. All of these prices even seem high back in the seventies. Even though they seem high I wish these were the prices now. Almost every person that I have read has agreed that college tuition fees have almost doubled in the past ten years. One researcher said, â€Å"Average tuition at public flagship universities rose 9% this year, vs. 14% a year ago†(USA Today, Sep. 14, 2004). Another researcher stated, â€Å"Over the past decade, tuition rose 47% at public four-year colleges and 42% at their private counterparts†(Hempel, Issue 3885). This is a huge jump for just ten years, if this continues the tuition costs will be extremely high in a few years. They may become so high that their enrollment rates may drop because of it. Most of the colleges make money off of the tuition. The money that they do make usually goes back into the university for enhancements and additions to buildings. They also use the money to help stay up with computer technologies. Even though they do all of these advances they still have to have money to pay teachers salaries and be able to pay for scholarships that some students earn. Many colleges aren’t only raising the tuition costs, but they are also raising the cost of textbooks. According to the Washington Post, â€Å"The National Association of College Bookstores says wholesale prices of college textbooks have risen nearly forty percent in the past five years. †(Washington Post, Sep. 18, 2004). This helps to show that the colleges are gaining money from some other way besides just the tuition to make ends meet. They could also use this money from the textbooks to help pay for things that are needed for the school to make it better or help aid in the inflation. They could also use this money to pay for student scholarships. There are many different ways that families can help ease the cost of college. USA Today gives six different ideas to help a family pay for college. One way they say is called the 529 plan which according to USA Today is, â€Å"These state-sponsored plans offer a tax-advantaged way to invest for college tuition and other expenses. â€Å" Another way is prepaid tuition plans, â€Å"These plans let you purchase contracts that lock in tuition rates at state colleges and universities. †The third way is Education Savings Accounts (ESAs), â€Å"Education Savings Accounts let you invest in mutual funds, exchange-traded funds or other investments for your child’s education. †The next way is Vanguard’s Education Resource Center, â€Å"You can use the money for primary and secondary private school tuition along with college expenses. †The fifth way is Uniform Gifts to Minors Act and Uniform Transfers to Minors Act (UGMA/UTMA) accounts, â€Å"Uniform Gifts to Minors Act and Uniform Transfers to Minors Act accounts are in your child’s name, but you control the assets until the child is 18 or 21, depending on your state. †The last way is Roth IRA, â€Å"Ordinarily, if you withdraw money from a Roth individual retirement account before age 59 ?, you’ll have to pay taxes on investment gains, plus a 10% penalty. But you can always withdraw the amount of your contributions, without paying taxes or penalties. Withdraw more than that, and you’ll owe taxes on the gains, but the 10% penalty is waived if the money is used for college. †(USA Today, Sep. 14, 2004). All of these plans they list could be very helpful to anyone who needs help gaining their college education. Most of them need to be planned before a child is already accepted into college though, so if someone needs the money think ahead. Try to find another way if possible to not take out college loans. With a college loan the school gets a lot of money back on the interest. It may sound like a good idea at first but in the end will end up hurting you. A reporter from Newsweek has come up with five more ways that students can help pay for college; make your case, focus on the bottom line, prepare for the future, fill the gaps, and break down and borrow. According to Linda Stern, â€Å"Most schools that provide aid will reconsider their offer if you can show them you have less money than they thought. †The next suggestion she talks about is to focus on the bottom line, â€Å"The biggest award may not be the best deal if it’s mostly loans or comes from the most expensive school. †The third concept she talks about is to prepare for the future, â€Å"Ask the school to commit to a four-year award, and structure your family’s finances to lower your bill. †The next method she talks about is to fill the gaps, â€Å"Many schools will break down the bursar’s bill into more digestible bites. †The last approach she says that students can help pay for college is to break down and borrow, â€Å"At today’s low rates, it’s hard to find a better deal than a student loan. †(Stern, Issue 15). All of these ways are very good ideas to help pay for college, a few of them will need some planning before-hand in order to get the job done. As long as parents and children start thinking about the college of their choice before they are a senior in high school then they should be able to afford it. Thinking of ways to pay for college is a good idea but families should also be figuring out who will pay for college and how much. Most parents will do anything they can to have their child go to the University of their choice, but what most parents don’t think about is the repercussions. The author of the article Who pays for COLLEGE? says, â€Å"think of paying for college as a joint venture, with kids pitching in to give themselves a stake in their own education. †She then goes on to say, â€Å"kids can get a degree for a fraction of the cost by attending a community college for two years and then transferring to a four-year school. †(Who pays for COLLEGE? ) These are both great ideas to keep in mind for parents who are willing to help their child pay for college. If a child helps pay for college then they usually want to do better in school because they are paying for part of the schooling, so if they mess up then they are losing money. I don’t know too many students are willing to give away their money for no apparent reason to someone else. There is one author who actually claims that college tuition has not risen, and actually declined. The author of the article Tuition fees don’t tell whole truth states, â€Å"With grants at an all-time high and tax-advantaged college savings plans growing rapidly, the study’s authors claim that average tuition costs at public four-year colleges ? excluding room and board, books and transportation and plenty else ? have actually declined. †(Tuition fees don’t tell whole truth) I don’t think that I agree with this author just for the fact that there are too many facts to prove otherwise. I stated a lot of numbers earlier to show that tuition had almost doubled in the past ten years, and now this lady comes along and says that no tuition is actually cheaper. This doesn’t make any sense to me, but maybe that’s just me. I believe that tuition is on the rise and there isn’t much that we can do about it. If the government and Universities want to make the tuition higher then they are going to, no matter what anyone says about it. I think that the only way to deal with the tuition increase is to start saving money for college early in life and hope that it doesn’t get to high before you get there, especially since college education is so highly sought after and held in such high regard. If parents and children will just sit down and figure out a plan on how to pay for college before they are a junior or senior in high school then there should be no problem in paying for it. Works Cited 1) Reed Jr. , Adolph L. Majoring in Debt. Progressive; Jan 2004, Vol. 68 Issue 1, p 25, 3p, 2bw. 2) Gallagher, James. College Costs Continue to Rise Sharply. The (GA) Augusta Chronicle; 5/30/2004. 3) USA Today. Learn about ways to pay college tuition. Sep. 14, 2004. 4) Hempel, Jessi. College Tuition? Gumption Won’t Cover It. Business Week, 5/31/2004, Issue 3885. 5) http://studentloan. citibank. com/slcsite/slcframeset. htm. Citicorp. Oct. 26, 2004. 6) The Washington Post. Textbook Prices On the Rise. Sep. 18, 2004. 7) Stern, Linda. Congrats!? Now Pay Up. Newsweek, 4/12/2004, Vol. 143, Issue 15. 8) Ewers, Justin and Kingsbury, Alex. Opening the College Gates. 9) Bodnar, Janet. Who pays for COLLEGE? 10) Meyer, Michelle M. Tuition fees don’t tell whole truth.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Tips for Reducing Glare and Eyestrain
Tips for Reducing Glare and Eyestrain Glare is caused by the reflection of light off of surfaces and is a primary cause of eyestrain. You can get rid of glare by controlling the light source, adapting the surface reflecting it, or by filtering it before it reaches your eyes. Significant causes of eyestrain are staring at the same distance for a long period of time, such as at a computer monitor or other electronic device or because of driving long distances without a break. These environments can be adapted to be better for your eyes. Adjust the Light Source Direct light causes the most glare. Examine whether lighting thats overhead or behind is shining on your computer monitor and take steps to reduce it. Use a desk lamp for directed, diffused task lighting when needed instead of bright overhead light. Use curtains or translucent plastic blinds on windows. Closing these will diffuse the incoming sunlight light instead of reflecting it, like metal or wood blinds do. You dont want to strain to see in dim light, though, either. Light thats too dim can lead to eyestrain as well. Adjust the Surface Shininess is measured by reflection and glare. That means the duller the surface, the less glare there will be. Use work surfaces that have matte finishes. Some items, like computer screens, are inherently smooth and therefore glossy. Use a glare filter over them.​ Place your work surface at a right angle to the direct light source, such as a window. Items 90 degrees to the light have the least amount of reflection and glare. In addition, dont position your monitor in front of a bright white wall.  Keep your monitor clean of dust, as having a dirty monitor will lower its contrast, making it harder to read. Dark text on a light background is the easiest to read, so opt for that environment rather than funky color schemes for daily work. And dont feel like youre a codger if you blow up text on your page to make it easier to read. Your eyes will thank you. Adjust your brightness and contrast on your computer monitor, following Wireds advice when looking at a white background on your display: If it looks like a light source in the room, its too bright. If it seems dull and gray, its probably too dark.  Shield Your Eyes If you cannot eliminate the glare, then stop it before it gets to your eyes. Polarized lenses on sunglasses eliminate a lot of glare. Prescription lenses can be polarized as well. This is the best option when driving, because you cannot control the light source or the surface. Anti-glare coatings for prescription lenses are worth the money for people who stare at computer screens all day. Even if you do not need corrective lenses but suffer from eyestrain, you can get all the benefits of anti-glare lenses without them being ground to a prescription. Consult your eye doctor for more information on this. Sporting equipment offers another alternative. Shooting and hunting glasses dramatically reduce glare as well, may wrap around your face to keep out dust and wind, and have some impact resistance, more than normal sunglasses.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
APA Referencing †How to Cite a YouTube Video
APA Referencing – How to Cite a YouTube Video APA Referencing – How to Cite a YouTube Video Not that long ago, the idea of citing a YouTube video in an academic paper would have sent some old-fashioned college professors into fits of outrage about how young people don’t understand what proper research is all about (i.e., dusty old books). WHATS A YOUTUBE? I DONT LIKE CHANGE! These days, however, there’s no denying that YouTube and other online videos can be crucial academic sources in many subject areas. As such, knowing how to cite an online video source is increasingly useful. Herein, we look at how to do this with APA referencing. Citing a YouTube Video Citing an online video involves giving the uploader’s name and the year that the video was uploaded in parentheses. For instance, a video uploaded in 2016 by the cultural critic Anita Sarkeesian to her Feminist Frequency YouTube channel would be cited as follows: The trope of the sinister seductress is pervasive in video games (Sarkeesian, 2016). Here, we cite the â€Å"author†of the video because it’s hosted on her own channel. If you’re quoting part of a video directly, the citation should also include a time stamp: In the video, Nicky Clayton and Clive Wilkins discuss the â€Å"capacity to convey and understand ideas non-verbally†(TEDx Talks, 2013, 3:37). You’ll notice here that, despite the talk being by Nicky Clayton and Clive Wilkins, â€Å"TEDx Talks†is the name given in the citation. This is because the â€Å"TEDx Talks†channel hosts videos by numerous speakers, so Clayton and Wilkins are not the uploaders. Reference List As with other sources, full publication information should be included in the reference list for any online videos you cite in your work. For a YouTube video, this involves providing the following: Surname, Initials. [Screen name]. (year, month day). Title of video [Video file]. Retrieved from URL.com You’ll notice that this includes both a name and a screen name. This helps readers find the video when the uploader’s real name is different to their username. In the case of the Anita Sarkeesian video cited above, for example, you’d need to provide both: Sarkeesian, A. [Feminist Frequency]. (2016, September 28). Sinister seductress tropes vs women in video games [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oXzWzMqarU If a channel doesn’t provide the uploader’s real name, only the screen name is required: TEDx Talks. (2013, August 19). Conversation without words: Nicky Clayton Clive Wilkins at TEDxOxbridge [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iavquY2OFo It’s important to remember that the name you should cite in the main text of your work is the same one used to list the source alphabetically in the reference list.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Struggles inside the queer community and related struggles in a larger Essay
Struggles inside the queer community and related struggles in a larger society - Essay Example This "misunderstanding ourselves" is necessary to really know what we think of ourselves rather assuming what we are compelled to think by the community. This urge to know ourselves lead to struggle within and resultantly in the community we are living in. The feeling of being "furthest from oneself" leads a person to new grounds which are taboo for the community. Homosexuality is one of such grounds. "Attitudes toward homosexuality are generally in flux, partially as a result of increased political activism and efforts by homosexuals to be seen not as aberrant personalities but as differing from "normal" individuals only in their sexual orientation." (Encyclopedia Britanica, 2007) Still the comfort with which queers would like to move in most of the societies is a far fetched dream. When a queer is subjected to opposition from the community he balks under the pressure and either forfeit his inner desires or tailor them accordingly. Myers compare this with Foucault's concept of reverse discourse and says "the regulation of homosexuality has provoked unanticipated responses and counter representations, unforeseen pictures of difference and self conscious staging of deviance" (Myer 10) Therefore, queers are depicted as someone "different" and due to such an identity most of them tried to deviate from their inner call and join back in the main stream of community.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
CMG401 MOD 3 CA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
CMG401 MOD 3 CA - Essay Example As well, the solicitation date remains fixed as stated earlier. Together with that, the numbers of gallons for soliciting purposes also remain fixed. The first amendment to solicitation SP0600-10-R-0208 was in January 20, 2010 at 10:30 am. As well, amendment 3 with the same solicitation number (Solicitation SP0600-10-R-0208) in November 30, 2010 at 10:30 am. In the latter amendment or amendment 3 includes the following changes to the proposal program; The delivery location changes from Baghad International Airport to ORER/Erbil Intl, Iraq for Jet A-1, w/o FSII for 244,800 USG and location ORSU/Sulaymaniyah Intl, Iraq for Jet A-1, w/o FSII for 61,200 USG. The solicitation base reference shall be in October 1 2010, at 1:00 pm local Fort Belvoir, VA time, and not in January 20, 2010, as stated in Amendment 1. The format applied in presenting this information follows the layout in FAR Subpart 12.6. This solicitation is also available in Defense Energy Support Internet Web Site. Solicitation SP0600-10-R-0208 is issued as a Request for delivery, includes terms, and conditions pursuant to the Federal Acquisition Circular. The submission of proposals from interested individuals is before the closing date. Screening program provide all information that is pertinent to purchasing procedures. It also indicates the amendments made for previous mistakes committed in soliciting the item. In addition, screening program must include the summary of the project name, the soliciting number, and the deadline for proposal submittals. For soliciting documents to be termed as enforceable by law, it must fulfill the following: In other words, the screening program in reflecting the soliciting documents must precisely provide the scope of work expected by the bidders. In addition, it must indicate the location of the project, and the nature of the goods for supply. Other
Thursday, October 31, 2019
History of Cities and their Architecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
History of Cities and their Architecture - Essay Example Philip Johnson developed one of the chairs for his collection. Mies van der Rohe designed Barcelona Pavilion, which was developed from German Pavilion, during international exposition that was in Barcelona Spain. It was constructed with the aim of demonstrating modern movement of architecture of the world (Curtis, 2008). The building was originally named a Germany pavilion, as it was the expression of Germany after the First World War to indicate the culture of the country that is still rooted in the classical history. The pavilion was built with an aim of hosting King Alphonso XIII of Spain and officials from Germany during the time of exposition (Curtis, 2008). As compared to other buildings at the exposition, Mies understood that work he did as just a building and he did not aim in housing art or any sculpture. The building was just designed to place tranquility and escape from exposition, which was then to transform the pavilion into an inhabitable statue. By raising the pavilion on a plinth in conjunction with the narrow profile of the site, the Barcelona Pavilion has a low horizontal orientation that is accentuated by the low flat roof that appears to float over both the interior as well as the exterior. The furniture of the building also exhibits the duality of modernism and classicism. The now iconic Barcelona chair and ottoman were designed specifically for the Barcelona Pavilion. The Barcelona building served as a reception place for the King and Queen of Spain. After the exhibition in which the pavilion intended was closed, the resembling of the pavilion was in 1930. As time went, the pavilion became a key point not only to Mies but also to other architectures that operated in the 20th century. In 1980, there was setting of project by Oriol Bohigas who was the head of planning department to ensure that there was
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Good Writing Essay Example for Free
Good Writing Essay You know it when you see it. It is not that hard to tell whether a piece of writing is good or bad, you just have to read it. And it is pretty important to be able to discern the difference, if you ask me. But things get more challenging if you have to explain why it is good. You might be called upon to write a report at school or you may fancy communicating your ideas online via a blog. And, of course, a well written CV with no spelling or grammatical mistakes is essential if you want a new job. Writing skills are an important part of communication and they have to be developed, since it is used in many areas of our daily life. Good writing allows you to communicate your message with clarity and ease to a far larger audience than through face-to-face or telephone conversations. If you want to write well†¦ read, read, and then read some more. Read good writing. Read bad writing. Learn to know the difference. Note for simplicity of style: noun, verb, object; noun, verb, object. It worked for Hemingway, who often said that his ultimate goal was to create the perfect sentence. Read some Hemingway, and not just his novels, but some of his early newspaper writing. Theres never been better news and feature writing, ever. When you read the works of these and other fine writers, notice the simplicity of their language and how they vary their sentence structure and length. Some sentences number two or three words; others run an entire paragraph. There are countless tips on writing well, but I leave you with this one: read first, then write. –Bill Reed Therefore, you need to take into account the next steps to produce good writing (in no particular order): 1. Clarity and focus: in good writing, everything makes sense and readers don’t get lost or have to reread passages to figure out what’s going on. Focused writing sticks with the plot or core idea without running off on too many tangents. 2. Organization: a well-organized piece of writing is not only clear, it’s presented in a way that is logical and aesthetically pleasing. You can tell non-linear stories or place your thesis at the end of an essay and get away with it as long as your scenes or ideas are well ordered. 3. Ideas and themes: is the topic of your paper relevant? Does your story come complete with themes? Can the reader visualize your poem? For a piece of writing to be considered well crafted, it has to contain clearly identifiable ideas and themes. 4. Voice: this is what sets you apart from all other writers. It’s your unique way of stringing words together, formulating ideas, and relating scenes or images to the reader. 5. Language (word choice): we writers can never underestimate or fail to appreciate our most valuable tools  words. Good writing includes smart word choices and well-crafted sentences. 6. Grammar and style: many writers would wish this one away, but for a piece of writing to be considered good (let alone great), it has to follow the rules of grammar (and break those rules only when there’s a good reason). Style is also important in ensuring that a piece of writing is clear and consistent. Make sure you keep a grammar book and style guide handy. 7. Credibility or believability: nothing says bad writing like getting the facts wrong or misrepresenting oneself. In fiction, the story must be believable (even if it’s impossible), and in nonfiction, accurate research can make or break a writer. 8. Thought-provoking or emotionally inspiring: perhaps the most important quality of good writing is how the reader responds to it. Does she come away with a fresh perspective and new ideas? Does he close the cover with tears in his eyes or a sense of victory? How readers react to your work will fully determine your success as a writer. 9. Sentence Fluency that is smooth and expressive: Fluent sentences are easy to understand and fun to read with expression. 10. Use transitional expressions to help readers understand where your message is going. Common transitional expressions include therefore, consequently, however, then, first, next, and although. To have a good writing not only is necessary to not make mistakes, but to follow some steps to enrich the work. And to achieve that, you need to have qualities in terms of patience and organization. In other words, a good writing is a complicated process that takes time. But if you follow the guidelines that are set out it will be easy and successful. For that reason, is very important to practice writing. [ 1 ]. Peha, Steve. Looking for Quality in Student Writing. Teaching That Makes Sense. 2003 . [ 2 ]. Writing Skills. SkillsYouNeed. 2012 . [ 3 ]. Reed, Bill. Developing Good Writing Skills. Academic Tips. 2008 . [ 4 ]. Donovan, Melissa. Eight Characteristics of Good Writing. Writing Forward. 2012 .
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